
Thank you for your interest in contributing to RankChoiceVoting. If you would like to contribute, please open an issue and propose your ideas.

Style Guide

In most cases, code written in RankChoiceVoting.jl follows the guidelines specified in the blue style guide for Julia. Please use the blue style guide or existing code as a guide, and deviate from the guides only when there is a compelling reason to do so.


The basic API is summarized below. If you add a new voting system, it should work with the fairness criteria already established. By default, voting systems are assumed to violate fairness criteria. Consequentially, functions such as satisfies will manually check for violations. Use property to specify that a system is gaurunteed to satisfy a criterion, which will bypass the violatio check. As an example, consider:

property(::MyCoolVotingSystem, ::Majority) = Holds()

Also, add new types to src/constants.jl to ensure they are included in the evaluation of methods satisfies(system) and satisfies(criteria).


  • systems: a set of rules for transforming individual rank choice votes into a societal ranking
  • criteria: fairness criteria against which a voting system is evaluated


The API uses the following methods:

  • compute_ranks: transforms a set of individual rank choices into a societal ranking
  • evaluate_winner: returns the winner(s) of an election
  • satisfies: evaluates whether a system satisfies a given criterion
  • count_violations: counts the number of violations of a criterion in a given set of rank choice votes


If you add a new fairness criterion or voting system, please provide examples based on existing examples.


At minimum, add doc strings to methods in the API. Adding docstrings for internal methods is encouraged. Please use the following template for docstrings:

    satisfies(system::VotingSystem, criterion::Majority, rankings::Ranks; _...)

Tests whether a voting system satisfies the majority criterion.

# Arguments

- `system::VotingSystem`: a voting system object
- `criterion::Majority`: majority criterion object 
- `rankings::Ranks`: a rank choice voting object consisting of rank counts and unique ranks 

Add any additional information that might be relevant to the user.


Only export (make public) types and methods that are intended for users. Other methods are implementational details for interal use.

Unit tests

Provide unit tests for most (if not all) methods. When possible, programatically test a method over a wide range of inputs. If you find a bug, write a unit test for the bug to prevent regressions. When possible, compare methods to those defined in established and trusted packages in other languages.