
According to the monotonicity criterion, a winning candidate should not lose if some voters switch preference from a losing candidate to the winning candidate (without changing the rank order of the other candidates). We will demonstrate a violation of the monotonicity criterion with an example below using the instant runoff voting system. To begin, lets create an object for the instant runoff voting system.

using RankChoiceVoting
system = InstantRunOff()

Next, lets generate a preference profile for $n=100$ candidates:

ranks = [[:a,:b,:c],[:b,:c,:a],[:b,:a,:c],[:c,:a,:b]]
counts = [37,22,12,29]
rankings1 = Ranks(counts, ranks)
│ Counts │ Ranks        │
│ 37     │ [:a, :b, :c] │
│ 22     │ [:b, :c, :a] │
│ 12     │ [:b, :a, :c] │
│ 29     │ [:c, :a, :b] │

The code block below uses evaluate_winner to determine the winner of the election.

evaluate_winner(system, rankings1)
1-element Vector{Symbol}:

In this case, candidate $a$ won the election. Now suppose 10 voters who ranked $\{b,a,c\}$ swiched their preference betwen canidates $a$ and $b$, resulting in a new preference profile:

ranks = [[:a,:b,:c],[:b,:c,:a],[:b,:a,:c],[:c,:a,:b]]
counts = [47,22,2,29]
rankings2 = Ranks(counts, ranks)
│ Counts │ Ranks        │
│ 47     │ [:a, :b, :c] │
│ 22     │ [:b, :c, :a] │
│ 2      │ [:b, :a, :c] │
│ 29     │ [:c, :a, :b] │

In other words, support for the winning candidate $a$ increased. After updating the preference profile, the winner is no longer $a$:

evaluate_winner(system, rankings2)
1-element Vector{Symbol}:

Thus, motonicity was violated. Increasing support for the winning candidate resulted in a lose for the candidate who initially won with less support.


The following example illustrates how to evaluate the instant runoff voting system with respect to the monotonicity criterion. The code block below illustrates how to create a Monotonicity criterion object.

using RankChoiceVoting
criterion = Monotonicity()


We can see which systems are guaranteed to satisfy the monotonicity criterion by calling satisfies with the majority criterion object.

3-element Vector{VotingSystem}:


Let's check whether mutual majority is violated in a different example. In the code block below, we will define a preference profile of $n=100$ voters for $m=4$ candidates.

ranks = [[:a,:b,:c],[:b,:c,:a],[:b,:a,:c],[:c,:a,:b]]
counts = [37,22,12,29]
rankings = Ranks(counts, ranks)
│ Counts │ Ranks        │
│ 37     │ [:a, :b, :c] │
│ 22     │ [:b, :c, :a] │
│ 12     │ [:b, :a, :c] │
│ 29     │ [:c, :a, :b] │

Now, create an Borda count voting system object:

system = Borda()

In the code block below, we can determine the winner of the election with the function evaluate_winner as follows:

evaluate_winner(system, rankings)
1-element Vector{Symbol}:

In the next code block, we will use the function satisifies to determine whether the Borda count system complies with the mutual majority criterion for the preference profile above.

criterion = MutualMajority()
satisfies(system, criterion, rankings)

which yields false for this example. To explore this result in more detail, we can use get_majority_set to list the candidates in the mutual majority set $B$.

Set{Symbol} with 3 elements:

In this simple example, $B = \{s\}$, and the winning candidate $t \notin B$.