Multi-attribute Linear Ballistic Accumulator
Multi-attribute Linear Ballistic Accumulator (MLBA; Trueblood et al., 2014) is an extention of the LBA for multi-attribute deicisions. Alternatives in multi-attribute decisions vary along multiple dimensions. For example, jobs may differ in terms of benefits, salary, flexibility, and work-life balance. As with other sequential sampling models, MLBA assumes that evidence (or preference) accumulates dynamically until the evidence for one alternative reaches a threshold, and triggers the selection of the winning alternative. MLBA incorporates three additional core assumptions:
- Drift rates based on a weighted sum of pairwise comparisons
- The comparison weights are an inverse function of similarity of two alternatives on a given attribute.
- Objective values are mapped to subjective values, which can display extremeness aversion
As with MDFT, the MLBA excells in accounting for context effects in preferential decision making. A context effect occurs when the preference relationship between two alternatives changes when a third alternative is included in the choice set. In such cases, the preferences may reverse or the decision maker may violate rational choice principles.
Similarity Effect
In what follows, we will illustrate the use of MLBA with a demonstration of the similarity effect. Consider the choice between two jobs, A
and B
. The main criteria for evaluating the two jobs are salary and flexibility. Job A
is high on salary but low on flexibility, whereas job B
is low on salary. In the plot below, jobs A
and B
are located on the line of indifference, $y = 3 - x$. However, because salary recieves more attention, job A
is slightly prefered over job B
M[:, 1],
M[:, 2],
grid = false,
leg = false,
lims = (0, 4),
xlabel = "Flexibility",
ylabel = "Salary",
markersize = 6,
markerstrokewidth = 2
annotate!(M[1, 1] + 0.10, M[1, 2] + 0.25, "A")
annotate!(M[2, 1] + 0.10, M[2, 2] + 0.25, "B")
annotate!(M[3, 1] + 0.10, M[3, 2] + 0.25, "S")
plot!(0:0.1:4, 4:-0.1:0, color = :black, linestyle = :dash)
Suppose an job S
, which is similar to A is added to the set of alternatives. Job S
inhibits job A
more than job B
because S
and A
are close in attribute space. As a result, the preference for job A
over job B
is reversed. Formally, this is stated as:
\[\Pr(A \mid \{A,B\}) > \Pr(B \mid \{A,B\})\]
\[\Pr(A \mid \{A,B,S\}) < \Pr(B \mid \{A,B,S\})\]
Load Packages
The first step is to load the required packages.
using SequentialSamplingModels
using Plots
using Random
Create Model Object
In the code below, we will define parameters for the MLBA and create a model object to store the parameter values.
Drift Rate Parameters
In sequential sampling models, the drift rate is the average speed with which evidence accumulates towards a decision threshold. In the MLBA, the drift rate is determined by comparing attributes between alternatives. The drift rate for alternative $i$ is defined as:
\[\nu_i = \beta_0 + \sum_{i\ne j} v_{i,j},\]
where $\beta_0$ is the basline additive constant, and $v_{i,j}$ is the comparative value between alternatives $i$ and $j$. A given alternative $i$ is compared to another alternative $j \ne i$ as a weighted sum of differences across attributes $k \in [1,2,\dots n_a]$:
\[v_{i,j} = \sum_{k=1}^{n_a} w_{i,j,k} (u_{i,k} - u_{j,k}).\]
The attention weight between alternatives $i$ and $j$ on attribute $k$ is an inverse function of similarity, and decays exponentially with distance:
\[w_{i,j,k} = e^{-\lambda |u_{i,k} - u_{j,k}|}\]
Similarity between alternatives is not necessarily symmetrical, giving rise to two decay rates:
\[\lambda = \begin{cases} \lambda_p & u_{i,k} \geq u_{j,k}\\ \lambda_n & \mathrm{ otherwise}\\ \end{cases}\]
The subjective value $\mathbf{u} = [u_1,u_2]$ is found by bending the line of indifference passing through the objective stimulus $\mathbf{s}$ in attribute space, such that $(\frac{x}{a})^\gamma + (\frac{x}{b})^\gamma = 1$. When $\gamma > 1$, the model produces extremeness aversion.
Baseline Drift Rate
The baseline drift rate parameter $\beta_0$ is a constant added to drift rate:
β₀ = 5.0
Similarity-Based Weighting
Attention weights are an inverse function of similarity between alternatives on a given attribute. The decay rate for positive differences is:
λₚ = 0.20
The decay rate for negative differences is:
λₙ = 0.40
The comparisons are asymmetrical when $\lambda_p \ne \lambda_n$.
Extremeness Aversion
The parameter for extremeness aversion is:
γ = 5
$\gamma = 1$ indicates objective treatment of stimuli, whereas $\gamma > 1$ indicates extreness aversion, i.e. $[2,2]$ is prefered to $[3,1]$ even though both fall along the line of indifference.
Standard Deviation of Drift Rates
The standard deviation of the drift rate distribution is given by $\sigma$, which is commonly fixed to 1 for each accumulator.
σ = [1.0,1.0]
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Maximum Starting Point
The starting point of each accumulator is sampled uniformly between $[0,A]$.
A = 1.0
Threshold - Maximum Starting Point
Evidence accumulates until accumulator reaches a threshold $\alpha = k +A$. The threshold is parameterized this way to faciliate parameter estimation and to ensure that $A \le \alpha$.
k = 1.0
Non-Decision Time
Non-decision time is an additive constant representing encoding and motor response time.
τ = 0.30
MLBA Constructor
Now that values have been asigned to the parameters, we will pass them to MLBA
to generate the model object. We will begin with the choice between job A
and job B
dist = MLBA(;
n_alternatives = 2,
│ Parameter │ Value │
│ ν │ [0.0, 0.0] │
│ β₀ │ 5.00 │
│ λₚ │ 0.20 │
│ λₙ │ 0.40 │
│ γ │ 5.00 │
│ σ │ 1.00 │
│ A │ 1.00 │
│ k │ 1.00 │
│ τ │ 0.30 │
Simulate Model
Now that the model is defined, we will generate 10,000 choices and reaction times using rand
M₂ = [
1.0 3.0 # A
3.0 1.0 # B
choices,rts = rand(dist, 10_000, M₂)
probs2 = map(c -> mean(choices .== c), 1:2)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Here, we see that job A
is prefered over job B
Next, we will simulate the choice between jobs A
, B
, and S
dist = MLBA(;
n_alternatives = 3,
M₃ = [
1.0 3.0 # A
3.0 1.0 # B
0.9 3.1 # S
choices,rts = rand(dist, 10_000, M₃)
probs3 = map(c -> mean(choices .== c), 1:3)
3-element Vector{Float64}:
In this case, the preferences have reversed: job B
is now preferred over job A
Compute Choice Probability
The choice probability $\Pr(C=c)$ is computed by passing the model and choice index to cdf
along with a large value for time as the second argument.
cdf(dist, 1, Inf, M₃)
Plot Simulation
The code below plots a histogram for each alternative.
histogram(dist; model_args = (M₃,))
Trueblood, J. S., Brown, S. D., & Heathcote, A. (2014). The multiattribute linear ballistic accumulator model of context effects in multialternative choice. Psychological Review, 121(2), 179.